Finding sources for your paper is research. While Google may be easy and convenient, it does not always return results that fit the criteria or quality that your professor would want. On this page, we will show you how to use the library to find good, quality sources.
Articles are found in periodical publications issued on a regular or "periodic" basis (daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly). These include newspapers, popular magazines, and academic or scholarly journals. Scholarly articles are usually the most appropriate sources of information for academic research.
Using Databases to Find Articles.
A database is a collection of organized data that can be used to retrieve information quickly. Most databases owned by the BYU-Pathway Library are electronic periodical indexes of citations, abstracts, or full-text periodical articles from thousands of magazines, journals, newspapers, historical documents, or other literary works.
How Do I Search Databases?
All databases operate similarly, yet their interfaces may look different. All databases use keywords as the search language. (See "Build Your Keyword List" for more information.)
You can use the search box on the library homepage or below to get started with your research.
These search boxes search many databases at the same time. If you'd like to search an individual database more specific to the broad subject area of your site topic, please refer to our database list.